Thursday, September 07, 2006

[BB] SafeAssignmentl problems at UM

Blackboard users,
The SafeAssignment problem was reportedly resolved at 10:00 AM this morning, but has just returned.  The problems seem to be sporadic and effect only some interactions with the servers some of the time.  So waiting 30 seconds of so and trying again, will often overcome error messages.  The best solution for a blank screen is to wait up to 2 minutes for the page to appear.  If it doesn't. try again.  In both cases, use the "Back" button in your browser and then try whatever you were doing.  Just reloading the page will probably not work. 
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

From: Max Lytvyn []
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 2:48 PM
To: Vilberg, William R.
Subject: RE: Still problems at UM

Hi Bill,


The problems were resolved by about 10:00 today, but just came back.  We are experiencing the same situation as yesterday now, but for a different reason which is yet unknown.  We will send more information out as soon as we at least know what happened.  I am very sorry for this.



Best regards


Max Lytvyn, MBA
Director of Marketing and Business Development
MyDropBox Family of Products
Sciworth Inc.
Phone: 888-412-0973 ext. 8

International Line: 1-416-907-0703
Fax: 888-479-5874

From: Vilberg, William R. []
Sent: September 7, 2006 2:41 PM
To: Max Lytvyn
Subject: Still problems at UM
Importance: High




The last notice I got was yesterday, saying that EVERYTHING would be resolved by 8:30 AM today.  We just got a call from a faculty member.  When he went to check a set of Safe Assignment papers, he got the error message about a problem connecting to the backend server.  When we tried the same thing, we got an empty page.


What is the status on the problem that you were working on yesterday?


Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement
