Tuesday, March 31, 2009

[BB] Bb Updates (Blogs/Wikis, iPhone, Emailing Announcements)

Bb Users,


Here are a few updates:


  1. If you experienced any issues with Blogs or Wikis (license error), these problems have been fixed. We just renewed our contract, and the current licenses are good until March of 2010, so this won’t be a problem again. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

  2. Blackboard for the iPhone has just come out, and I am trying to make sure I have everything set up so that it will work. If you have an iPhone and would like to start kicking the tires on Blackboard for the iPhone, I would love the feedback on whether it’s working or not, and what errors or messages you get.


  1. If you post announcements in Blackboard and email them to your class, the combination of variables below has been causing the email that goes out to have a lot of HTML that doesn’t belong. (You can see if this problem exists by clicking the HTML Source button in the announcement text editor. That button looks like this [<>] and scrolling down to see if the text goes on forever with a bunch of HTML.) 
    I am working with Blackboard on a fix for this. If this is what you do when you post announcements, please call the help desk, and we can show you how to clean up the announcement until they fix the problem.
    1. You use Firefox
    2. You copy and paste announcements from MS Word
    3. You check the box to email the announcement to your class

Thank you,




Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC