Friday, March 26, 2010

[BB] Blackboard Conference (July)

Bb Users,


If anyone is interested in going to the Blackboard convention (BbWorld) this summer, it will be in Orlando, FL July 13-16. (


The early, early bird registration rates are in effect until 3/31:


by 3/31/2010

by 6/18/2010

after 6/18/2010





If you are interested in registering (or want more information about BbWorld), please let me know. (The price drops if we have 5 or more people register. I will be one of them.)




Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Monday, March 22, 2010

[BB] Tip of the Week

Hello BB Users


Blackboard offers several ways to provide feedback to students about their assignment. Today, I am going to review one of these options.


With this tip , we assume you are familiar with the process of retrieving a student’s assignment. If not, please review email sent on the subject on 2/24/2010. If you don’t have it, you can find the document and other tips by clicking the help button in the top middle of your blackboard page, then go to “Setup Your Course”, and click “Assignments”.


For this example, we will be using Microsoft Word 2007.  If you are using a different version,  the Richter Library is offering training videos for current and older versions of Microsoft Office as well as thousands other programs. Click here to access the Library Digital Media Services and then click on the link at the bottom to access If you are at home you will need to enter your cane ID and password.


How to provide feedback using Microsoft Word


Microsoft Word offers a great feature called track changes. It allows you to provide feedbacks on a document and track all changes made.


1.       Open Student Assignment in Word

2.       Go to the “Review” tab



1.       Click on Track Changes dropdown and click on Change User Name to make sure your name appears as the person editing the document.



2.       Change name and initial if necessary and Click OK



3.       Check tracking Options by clicking Track Changes Dropdown and click “Change Tracking Options”.


I recommend to leave the default settings but accessing this option will give you an idea of what you will see.

The examples below were created using the default settings.


4.       Turn on the Track Changes feature by clicking Track Changes Dropdown and click “Track Changes”


Now everything you change in the document will be tracked.


5.       Adding text to the document will show in red



6.       Removing text will show a strikethrough



7.       If you want to ask a question or want to add a comment about a subject,

a.       Highlight the sentence you want to ask a question about.


b.      Click on “New Comment” in the ribbon


c.       A Comment field will show on the right of the document with your initials linking to the highlighted sentence.


d.      Enter your question or comment


8.       Save your work in your computer.

It is now time to provide the student with your comments and remarks about his assignment in Blackboard

The process is similar to retrieve the assignment in the Grade Center. If you are not familiar with the process please review the email attached.


1.       Go to the Grade Center

2.       Next to the iconcid:image015.jpg@01CAC039.534C7930, click on the dropdown and got to “Grade Details”.






3.       You will now have access the “Grade Details” page:




4.       Click on “View Attempt” to locate the assignment uploaded.



**Be careful NOT to click on “Clear Attempt”, it will remove the assignment and the student will have to resubmit it**


5.       Enter Grade



6.       Attach the document you saved with your track changes



7.       Click Submit


8.       Students should now be able to review their grade and comments by clicking  “View/Complete Assignment: Blackboard assignment”



9.       They can now review the grade and feedback from instructor


Please feel free to contact me if you have any question about this tip or about anything else you need assistance with.




Rick Ramos

Blackboard Help Desk Supervisor






Wednesday, March 10, 2010

[BB] Blackboard introduction training

Hello BB Users


New to UM? New to Blackboard? Join us for this introductory training to set up your Blackboard course on Friday March 26, 2010 from 2PM to 3PM. There will be time after this session for additional questions by people who stay. Please try to arrive early if you need assistance logging in to Blackboard.


Go to our page to register then click on “Events”.  Feel free to bring in someone with you or forward this email to someone you know will be interested.




Rick Ramos

Blackboard Help Desk Supervisor






Wednesday, March 03, 2010

[BB] Tip of the Week

Hello BB Users,


I hope you had a good week end and enjoyed the beautiful weather. If you are new to blackboard I will be offering an introduction to Blackboard class on Friday March, 5th 2010. To register, go to the IAC event page at or click here.


Last week’s tip was about creating assignments and retrieving individual assignments. Today, I will review how to retrieve all the assignments at once.


How to retrieve all assignments


1.       Go to the “Control Panel”


2.       Go to the “Grade Center”


3.       Locate the column for the Assignment


4.       Click on dropdown for the column menu


5.       Click on “Assignment File Download”



6.       You will be taken to the Download Assignment page with a list of students in your course. If they submitted their assignment they will have a check box next to their names. Check it if you want to download for one or several selected students or click “Select All” if you want to download all of them.



7.       A link with a compressed file will appear. Click the link to download the files and save it in your computer.



8.       Unzip the file to your computer. The process will vary based on the browser you use and the extraction program. If you are not familiar with this process let me know and we will review it together.


9.       The Extracted folder now contains the students Assignments. The file names have been changed by adding the name of each student to his or her file.


10.   You are now ready to grade the submitted Assignments and enter the grades in the Grade Center.


Thank you for your interest in learning new ways to use Blackboard. Next week I will review additional options you have with assignments.


Please let me know if there is a specific topic you would like me to address. As always, feel free to contact me at 305-284-3949 or email the blackboard help desk at




Rick Ramos

Blackboard Help Desk Supervisor


