Wednesday, March 03, 2010

[BB] Tip of the Week

Hello BB Users,


I hope you had a good week end and enjoyed the beautiful weather. If you are new to blackboard I will be offering an introduction to Blackboard class on Friday March, 5th 2010. To register, go to the IAC event page at or click here.


Last week’s tip was about creating assignments and retrieving individual assignments. Today, I will review how to retrieve all the assignments at once.


How to retrieve all assignments


1.       Go to the “Control Panel”


2.       Go to the “Grade Center”


3.       Locate the column for the Assignment


4.       Click on dropdown for the column menu


5.       Click on “Assignment File Download”



6.       You will be taken to the Download Assignment page with a list of students in your course. If they submitted their assignment they will have a check box next to their names. Check it if you want to download for one or several selected students or click “Select All” if you want to download all of them.



7.       A link with a compressed file will appear. Click the link to download the files and save it in your computer.



8.       Unzip the file to your computer. The process will vary based on the browser you use and the extraction program. If you are not familiar with this process let me know and we will review it together.


9.       The Extracted folder now contains the students Assignments. The file names have been changed by adding the name of each student to his or her file.


10.   You are now ready to grade the submitted Assignments and enter the grades in the Grade Center.


Thank you for your interest in learning new ways to use Blackboard. Next week I will review additional options you have with assignments.


Please let me know if there is a specific topic you would like me to address. As always, feel free to contact me at 305-284-3949 or email the blackboard help desk at




Rick Ramos

Blackboard Help Desk Supervisor


