Friday, September 22, 2006

[BB] Clearing attempts in SafeAssignment

Hello Blackboard Users,


We’ve received word that clearing attempts from the View Safe Assignment page (MyDropbox Suite/SA link) through the Control Panel fails with the new upgrade (v. 2.0.7) on our Blackboard version 6.3.1.  In order to clear attempts from a submission that a student has made, you would need to do it from the Gradebook. To do this, open the Gradebook, click on the grade or “!” matching the corresponding submission to open it, and then on the Modify Grade page, click on the Clear Attempt button.


The company has informed us that they are working on a fix for our version during the next few days.  We will let you know as soon as they do.


Thank you and we apologize for this inconvenience.




Janet De La Rosa


Janet De La Rosa (

Systems Analyst & Blackboard Manager

Instructional Advancement Center

University of Miami 

Coral Gables, FL
