Friday, February 10, 2012

[BB] Blackboard Tips

Hello Bb Users,

How many different people log onto Blackboard the first week of school? This semester we had 13,333 vs. 11,998 a year ago. That is an 11% increase. This is because of what YOU are doing. Thank you.


here is some information that we hope you find useful.


1.       LOGIN: Some students may have questions on how to log into blackboard. We have a handout available to help them with these questions. You might include this information in your syllabus.


Blackboard Login Handout:


2.       FILE (PDF) ISSUE:  If you do what looks like the right thing when you want to post a file in Blackboard, your students may run into problems opening them, particularly, PDF files. Instead of using "Create a File", you need to “Create an Item” and attach the file to it. Here is a  link to step by step instructions to add items and attach files:


Creating Content in a Course Area:


3.       BROWSERS:  Many  issues that students and faculty encounter with Blackboard are related to Browser compatibility. You can quickly solve many problems by switching to a different browser.  Our recommendation is to use the latest versions of Firefox or Chrome as the most compatible browsers for Blackboard with the latest version of Java also installed.


In some cases, Internet Explorer (IE) requires complicated settings to make it work, so if you really want to use IE and would like some assistance, please contact our blackboard help desk using our contact information at the bottom of this page. Blackboard offers a list of compatible browsers compatible, but we don't find it completely accurate. If you would like to see it, click on the link below:


Blackboard's Browser Chart:


4.       HIDDEN MENUS:  On occasions, you will access a course and there the course menu will not be present. You may have no idea how it happened or how to fix it.  This is a "feature" in Blackboard to allow your course content to fill the window. Please look at the hand out at the link below to see how to use and recover from the "hidden menu" syndrome:


Hiding and Restoring Course Menus:


5.       TRAINING:  We offer instructor led trainings and workshops in the Faculty Exploratory at the Richter Library. A new series of workshops on ways to improve your Blackboard class site by avoiding weak practices in technology enhanced learning (TEL) begins with a session on Friday, February 24, 2:30-4:00 pm. You can register for this or any of our events by going to our Registration site and clicking on the title of the session:


Registration Site:


Please feel free to contact us for any issues you might have. Our business hours are from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and our phone number is 305-284-3949 or you can email us at

Thank you,

Rick Ramos

Manager of your Blackboard Support team