Wednesday, February 01, 2012

[BB] Blackboard Tips

Hello BB Users,


We hope everyone is having a good semester. We will be regularly sharing tips and ways to help with your Blackboard sites. In this email, we want to share with you some of the Blackboard services we can offer to you.

You can request the services below by clicking on the "Resources" tab at the top of any Blackboard page (once you have logged in) and then click the "Common service request forms" link. You can also place any request by clicking on the "Help" link at the top of your Blackboard page, and then creating a help desk ticket.


Please provide the course ID of any courses we will be working with. You can find the course ID right above the announcement menu in your course, for example it will say something like: "122 - MDR70312 - FAMILY MEDICINE (SPRING 2012)".


1.      Course Merge


If you teach multiple sections of a course, it may be easier to combine them into one Blackboard course site, rather than have a separate site for each section. With the merged site, you can post your course material once rather than posting it in every section’s site separately. To have us create a merged site, request a "course merge".


Note: Access to the original courses site will be lost so make sure to let us know if there is any material you would like to copy over to the newly created merged site. User records, such as discussion board posts, grades, and assessment attempts will not be copied.


2.      Course Augment


There is also the option to do a "course augment" which will maintain all of your original course sites and add one additional master site with all of the students from your various sections. With the "course augment" option you can use the master site to post course material in one location, and reserve the individual course sites for assignments or tests specific to each course section.


Note: We cannot do an augment of a course site that was already merged.


3.      Course Copy


If you have material from a prior semester that you would like to copy to the new semester, you can call us to do a course copy for you or you can follow the steps at the link below to do it yourself:


Note: You need to be enrolled as an instructor in both courses sites in order to perform a Course Copy. User records, such as discussion board posts, grades, and assessment attempts will not be copied.


4.      Teaching Assistant enrollment


Teaching assistants are not added automatically to your class. They have to be entered manually. You can have us do it for you or you can do it yourself using the instructions at the following link:


Please feel free to contact us for any issues you might have. Our business hours are from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and our phone number is 305-284-3949 or you can email us at


Thank you,


Rick Ramos

Manager of your Blackboard Support team