Wednesday, August 12, 2009

[BB] REMINDER: Bb unavailable Sat. 8/15

Bb Users,


This is just a reminder that Blackboard will be down on Saturday 8/15 starting at 12:00am. The downtime *should* only be 12 hours, but please avoid situations where you would depend upon service being restored before 5pm – just to be safe.


This is a small upgrade. We will still be using the same version of Blackboard (version 8), but there are some small security vulnerabilities and enhancements that need to be made. The most noticeable enhancement is to the grade center. Now when two students have the same last name, their first names will also be alphabetized.


Taking the time to keep our system up-to-date with Blackboard's updates and patches is important so that we can avoid future problems and also save time troubleshooting problems because we have already applied Blackboard's newest updates and patches.


Hopefully one day we will not have to experience a service interruption while these updates are being performed.


If you have further questions, please email me:


Thank you for your continued patience and feedback.






PS – We are scheduling lots of back-to-school Blackboard training sessions. Click the IAC tree and then the “Events” link to register.



Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC