Friday, August 21, 2009

[BB] Blog/Wiki Upgrade & Grade Center bug

Bb Users,

I have updated our Blog and Wiki tools. Here are some of the new features. If you have any problems with any of these tools, please let me know or submit a help desk ticket.

  • Spell-checker
  • MathFlow™ equation editor
  • Easier options for uploading, linking to, and playing videos
  • Email notification of content changes to blogs and wikis
  • RSS feeds for wikis

Also, if you experience a problem with the Grade Center where when you enter a grade, it says “Saving…” but never updates the grade, please submit a help desk ticket, and if you’re in a hurry you may want try a different browser. The problem has occurred in both browsers, but hasn’t been reported in both browsers for the same person (yet). I am trying to figure out what causes this very sporadic problem so that I can figure out what will fix it.

Welcome back!



Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

[BB] REMINDER: Bb unavailable Sat. 8/15

Bb Users,


This is just a reminder that Blackboard will be down on Saturday 8/15 starting at 12:00am. The downtime *should* only be 12 hours, but please avoid situations where you would depend upon service being restored before 5pm – just to be safe.


This is a small upgrade. We will still be using the same version of Blackboard (version 8), but there are some small security vulnerabilities and enhancements that need to be made. The most noticeable enhancement is to the grade center. Now when two students have the same last name, their first names will also be alphabetized.


Taking the time to keep our system up-to-date with Blackboard's updates and patches is important so that we can avoid future problems and also save time troubleshooting problems because we have already applied Blackboard's newest updates and patches.


Hopefully one day we will not have to experience a service interruption while these updates are being performed.


If you have further questions, please email me:


Thank you for your continued patience and feedback.






PS – We are scheduling lots of back-to-school Blackboard training sessions. Click the IAC tree and then the “Events” link to register.



Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

[BB] Blackboard Announcements

Bb Users,


Here are a few quick announcements as we start preparing for the Fall Semester…


  1. Upgrade Saturday, 8/15
  2. Wimba Voice Tools Updated
  3. Course Merges
  4. Blackboard’s “New Look”
  5. Join the Bb Mailing List
  6. Blackboard training
  7. Bb Maintenance Last Weekend (Success)


Upgrade Saturday, 8/15

We will be doing a small upgrade to Blackboard beginning at 12:00am on Saturday, 8/15. Blackboard has scheduled 12 hours of downtime, but I urge you to play it safe and avoid depending on using Blackboard Saturday afternoon. We performed this upgrade on a replica of our production server, and it took the expected 12 hours, but experience has taught me to be overly conservative rather than overly optimistic when it comes to upgrades.

Wimba Voice Tools Updated

The newest version of the Wimba Voice Tools have been installed. The enhancements in this version are to the Voice Boards.

¨      Faculty can now filter the posts by user.

¨      There is also an option to grade the voice boards. This means that you can enter a number of possible points, and a grade column will be automatically created in the grade center. There will also be a “Grade this board” button visible at the top of the Voice board page.

Course Merges

If you would like to collapse your Blackboard sites into one course site or would like to add an additional site that include all of the students in your courses, let us know. Here’s a shortcut to filling out a Course Merge Request Ticket.

Blackboard’s “New Look”

We updated the UM branding in the top left corner, and replaced the small cluster of links in the top right corner with an Instructional Advancement Center logo and link to our Web page. We didn’t realize that people were using those links as a launchpad to MyUM and the Technology Product Center’s software page. I am working on an appropriate way to re-incorporate those links. In the meantime, you can click the UM logo to go to the UM home page, and access MyUM from there – or you can access it via the MyUM announcement link that currently appears in the Announcements section of the Bb home page. And here is a link to the TPC software page in case you need it:

Join the Blackboard Mailing List

Do you know someone who should be receiving these emails? Please pass this information on to them. Join the Bb Mailing list.

Blackboard Training

We will be doing several Into to Blackboard and Grade Center Basics training sessions in August. Please watch the Announcements section for specific dates and times.

Bb Maintenance Last Weekend (Success)

Blackboard was able to replace the switches that caused our outage on July 13th. The maintenance ended at about 3:30pm.




Please let me know if you have any questions, Thank you for your patience and feedback, and I look forward to working with you throughout the fall semester.





Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Re: [BB] Error logging in to Blackboard - FIXED

Bb Users,


I think we fixed this problem.


It seems there was a problem with some of our plug-ins, which we re-activate. I think that we have fixed the problem, but if you see any errors, please let me know right away.


I’m going to continue to work with Blackboard to figure out why this problem occurred, but in the meantime, I think it is working correctly now.


I apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your feedback to help solving these problems as quickly as possible.





Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC

From: UM Blackboard Announcements [mailto:BB@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Clister, Jennifer R
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 2:34 PM
Subject: [BB] Error logging in to Blackboard?


Bb Users,


A few people are experiencing an error when they login to Blackboard. You can see that error below. You can still access your courses/organizations via the tabs, but the home page tab displays this error:





We are trying to figure out what causes the error, but the temporary fix that we found requires that you clear your browser cookies – and here is how you do that in IE and Firefox.


If you need assistance, please call the Blackboard Help Desk: 305-284-3949.



Clearing Cookies in Internet Explorer:




Clearing Cookies in Firefox:



Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


[BB] Error logging in to Blackboard?

Bb Users,


A few people are experiencing an error when they login to Blackboard. You can see that error below. You can still access your courses/organizations via the tabs, but the home page tab displays this error:





We are trying to figure out what causes the error, but the temporary fix that we found requires that you clear your browser cookies – and here is how you do that in IE and Firefox.


If you need assistance, please call the Blackboard Help Desk: 305-284-3949.



Clearing Cookies in Internet Explorer:




Clearing Cookies in Firefox:



Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC