Tuesday, January 31, 2006

[BB] Safe Assignment situation

Blackboard users,
If you (1) used Safe Assignment last semester and (2) copied your old course site into this semester's course site, you may run into problems.  Here are the things to do in your new course site.  (If you are not going to use Safe Assignment until next week sometime, wait until then and follow the new directions that I will be distributing on Monday or Tuesday.  We will be applying a technical patch that will simplify this process.)
1. Go to Control Panel > MyDropBox Suite and click on the "Synchronize this course" link.  Wait five minutes.  Nothing will visibly change, but the assignments and database should be correctly attached.
2. Go to the Control Panel > Assignments (or where ever your Safe Assignment links are located) and, for each Safe Assignment, click on the Modify button, and the Submit button.  You don't need to change anything, just submit the page.  That will update the links to point to your current course.  Otherwise the students (but not you) will get error messages when they try to submit a paper because the link will point to your previous course.
This ONLY applies to course sites where Safe Assignments were copied from a previous course site.
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)