Thursday, July 28, 2005

[BB] SafeAssignment syllabus statement and consent form

SYLLABUS STATEMENT: If you will be using SafeAssignment to process original writing submitted by your students, I encourage you to include a statement to that effect in your syllabus.  Here is some sample wording.
Written Assignments
This class uses the SafeAssignment feature of Blackboard to help students learn to use sources and citations appropriately. SafeAssignment matches the material in student papers against material on the Internet and in our database of UM papers. Representing the words or ideas of someone else as your own is a violation of the honor code and a serious infraction in this course. If you have questions about appropriate ways to include the words or ideas of other people in your papers, contact the instructor. Papers submitted to SafeAssignment are added to the database of UM papers.
CONSENT FORM:  In order to manage our risk, a consent form will be automatically inserted into each SafeAssignment link when you create it.  Here is a sample of what it will look like.
For anyone without the ability to view the graphic, here is the wording of the message that will automatically be added to each SafeAssignment item.
You are about to submit a paper via SafeAssignment in Blackboard. The contents of your paper will be matched against material from the Internet and papers from UM. The results will be made available to your professor. By submitting your paper, you agree to this process and you also agree to grant the University of Miami permission to retain a copy of your paper to be used for future matching.
Our legal counsel feels that this will reduce our risk of "Intellectual Property" issues. 
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)