Wednesday, March 11, 2015

[BB] Library Support link removed from all Blackboard course sites

Blackboard users,

The template for new course sites in Blackboard used to contain a "Library Support" menu item that did not work correctly. It was at the bottom of the course menu bar, as shown in the attached screen capture.

We were asked to remove it from current course sites so we have done that. It has now been set to "unavailable" so student cannot see it. We just wanted to let you know what we had done and why, in case you noticed this minor change.

We are working with the library to develop a better way to provide access to library support through Blackboard. We hope to have that in place before we create course sites for this Fall.

I hope you are having a great spring break and will be ready for the sprint to the finish of the semester when you return.

 - Bill - 

William (Bill) Vilberg
Assistant Director of Learning Platforms
Information Technology
University of Miami
305-284-3944 (desk)
786-218-3052 (cell)