EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I will be doing a training session on the Blackboard Gradebook on Friday, February 15, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, in Memorial 203. Lunch will be served. Registration is limited and required. Go to to register.
ADDITIONAL DETAILS: The Gradebook is a powerful component of the Blackbaord course management system. It can easily be used to let students know grades on specific assignments, or keep a record of all their grades. It can calculate course grades in a number of ways. With this power comes some complexity. This workshop will demonstrate both the simple and more powerful features of the gradebook. The session is appropriate to any instructor, even with no prior experience with Blackboard.
Lunch will be served. Registration is limited and required. The session will be a demonstration, not a hands-on session. Go to to register. The session will be recorded an posted to the Web, for those people who cannot attend.
Bill Vilberg