Wednesday, August 24, 2005

[BB] NEW: Performance Dashboard - shows last login

The Performance Dashboard is a powerful addition to Blackboard.  For example, it shows how recently the students in your web site have logged onto the server. (Note: logged into the server, not accessed your course site.)
Go to Control Panel > Performance Dashboard to bring up the report.  The report can be sorted by any of the columns; just click on the arrow at the top of the column you want to sort by. By sorting on the "Days Since Last Login" I was able to quickly determine that 163 of the 375 students in CHM 113 have accessed blackboard in the last two days.  As with most lists in Blackboard, you only see 25 students per page.
The page may take a few moments to appear.  It accesses the database extensively in order to obtain all the information that it displays. The problem we were having with it seems to have been resolved, so it should be working for everyone now.  If it isn't, please let me know.
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)