As part of our test of this service 19 courses have created 42 SafeAssignments on the Blackboard system. A total of 1,163 submissions have been evaluated, with 688 listed as non-draft submissions. Of those 688 there were 55 (7%) with matching scores of 70%-100%. I have heard from a number of instructors who found this service beneficial, both as an educational tool and as an enforcement tool. The students on the Information Technology Advisory Board have voiced strong support for this service. The cost is just under $7,000 for the coming academic year and I have approval to spend that money.
IF YOU THINK WE SHOULD NOT PAY FOR THIS LICENSE, NOW IS THE TIME TO TELL ME. Otherwise I will processing the paperwork this week.
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)