Wednesday, March 07, 2018

[BB] Use Pulse Secure to keep accessing remote desktops at UM

Do you connect to a computer desktop at UM from a computer at home or otherwise off-campus? Perhaps you use Microsoft Remote Desktop, or Chrome Remote Desktop, or Apple Remote Desktop (Back to My Mac). If so, install and use the Pulse Secure application before making your connection from off-campus. On Thursday, March 15, 2018, around 6 pm, direct access will be blocked and only access over Pulse Secure will be allowed. Pulse Secure is available for most operating systems including mobile. Go to for details on the Pulse Secure virtual private network software that UM uses.

An official notice will be sent out from UMIT. This is my understanding of what is happening. I apologize in advance if anything is incorrect. I will be glad to answer any questions I can or get answers to questions I can't handle myself.

Have a great spring break!

-- Bill --