Friday, January 19, 2018

[BB] New Blackboard Learn ATTENDANCE Feature

Blackboard List Members,

With our recent upgrade of Blackboard Learn, a new Attendance feature is available. It allows faculty to (manually) indicate which students are present/absent for each/any class meetings. Students can see the details from My Grades. You can choose whether or not to include attendance in the grade calculation. 

If you want to investigate this new feature in Blackboard Learn, go to the  web page and learn how it works. Then try it out and experiment.

This is a new feature and we (Learning Platforms) know almost nothing about it, beyond what is on the web page provided above. If you decide to try it out and find it useful or figure out a good workflow, please let me know. We plan on providing more details on this feature in the future, including how to guides and workshops. Sharing your experiences with us will help us in that process.

Have a GREAT semester.

-- Bill --