Friday, February 06, 2015

[BB] Update 1 - Blackboard unreachable from on campus

The problem is being caused somewhere between the Florida higher education network (Florida Lamda Rail) access point (in Jacksonville?) and the Blackboard server being hosted in northern Virginia. Other schools in Florida with externally hosted Blackboard systems are also experiencing this problem.

Further updates to follow.

- Bill -

On Feb 6, 2015, at 12:58 PM, Vilberg, William R. <> wrote:

The UM Blackboard system,, is not currently reachable from the Coral Gables campus. We can reach it from our cell phones, when we turn off wifi, so the system is up, but there appears to be some network issue between the Coral Gables campus and the Blackboard server in northern Virginia. Not sure about other locations, other than my AT&T iPhone can open it.

We will update you as soon as we get further information.

- Bill -

William (Bill) Vilberg
Assistant Director of Learning Platforms
Information Technology
University of Miami
305-284-3944 (desk)
786-218-3052 (cell)