Thursday, December 08, 2011

[BB] Safe Assign - Please do not resubmit

Bb users,

Blackboard is saying that resubmissions are one of the causes of the long delays in Safe Assign processing. If you are waiting for a Safe Assign report, please do not resubmit the item.

If a report isn't available after 72 hours (3 days) please let us know so we can document it and check things out. Please provide the course, assignment, and whether the report was requested via direct submit. We have limited access to information inside Blackboard, but we will do what we can.

Blackboard continues to report that the delays will be less than 24 hours as soon as the backlog gets processed. We will see. The current situation is, of course, completely unsatisfactory, and is one of the things leading us to reevaluate our long term commitment to Blackboard.

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more