Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Re: [BB] Sending email in Blackboard

Hi Bill,

Another little "trick" I have been using is to add a tool/email to the
course home. Everyone seems to use email and I just added it to most
peoples course home to help them save time.

Lyndon Godsall Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.Ed
Instructional Designer
305-284-2710 Office
954-647-4634 Cell

On 9/6/11 4:05 PM, "Vilberg, William R." <bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU> wrote:

>Blackboard users,
>------ 1. No "Send as Email" Option with Announcements -----
>You may have noticed that the "Send as email" check box is no longer in
>the announcements in Blackboard. The workaround is to make the
>announcement, copy the message, go to the Control Panel > Course Tools >
>Send Email. Paste the message in there and send it to all users. This
>takes a few extra steps, but it accomplishes the job.
>----- 2. Sometimes the "Send Email" option, in the Control Panel's
>"Course Tools" section, is off the bottom of the screen -----
>In order to send an email to all the users in your class, you expand the
>"Course Tools" in the Control Panel and select the "Send Email" tool.
>Depending on the size of your screen, "Send Email" might be off the
>bottom, with no scroll bar to get down to it. This is a side effect of
>the way things open and close without redrawing the page. They forgot to
>recalculate the page size each time they open or close an item in the
>menu bar. The workaround is to close the course menu temporarily, raising
>the Control Panel and letting the "Send Email" appear. Confused? Watch
>the two minute video at http://goo.gl/ccLLT to see both the problem and
>the workaround.
>Forgive me for using "echelon" in place of "chevron" in the video. I
>realized my mistake, and decided "Good enough is good enough" and "Good
>is good, but done is better." So rather than redoing the recording I am
>sending it out as-is with the hope you will forgive my misuse of the
>Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 786-250-2255
>http://vilberg.com - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more