Monday, December 06, 2010

[BB] Bb 9.1 Live Demo

Bb Users,


We are planning on upgrading to Blackboard 9.1 this summer (2011). Blackboard is coming to give us a demonstration tomorrow (Dec. 7th) in Learning Center room 184 at 11:00am. The session is scheduled for an hour, but the Blackboard people are planning on staying for another hour to cover more details and questions for those who want to stay.


This version of Blackboard has a lot more differences than we are used to seeing from one version of Blackboard to another, but Bb 9.1 has a lot of great features and functionality that many of us have waited on for a long time. This is a great chance to get a sneak peek and have Blackboard representatives available for questions.


Register here: for the “Blackboard 9.1 Sneak Peek” event.


Hope to see you there,




Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC