Tuesday, October 21, 2008

[BB] Blackboard Problems Look Resolved

Bb Users,

It looks like our problems have been resolved: Wimba Voice Tools, SafeAssign, and the My Current Courses module.

I am still trying to confirm whether the My Current Courses module is appearing in the right position, so if you can see it, but it is not where it used to be, please let me know.

Thank you for all your patience with these issues.


Jennifer Clister
University of Miami Blackboard System Manager

Monday, October 20, 2008

[BB] Bb Problems - restart scheduled at 3:00 am

Bb Users,

After the small voice tools upgrade we had this weekend (where only one of our two Blackboard servers was restarted to accept the changes), we have been experiencing some other strange problems with the server that was not restarted. I hope that these problems will be resolved when we restart both servers at 3am Tuesday morning.

Please avoid doing anything important (like taking a test) in Blackboard between 3:00am and 3:30am Monday night/Tuesday morning (10/21).

If you or your students experience problems with Safe Assign, Wimba voice tools, or anything else that was working fine before the 3am restart, please try accessing Blackboard via this link: http://snipurl.com/umbba

Once the servers have been restarted, you may need to shut down your browser completely before you are able to login again.

If you experience problems after 3:30am Tuesday morning, please let me know.

Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC

[BB] Wimba Voice Tools

There is a problem with the Wimba Voice Tools. At the moment they work on one of our three servers. If you go to http://snipurl.com/umbba you will reach the correct server.

You may also see a message warning you about the security certificate, since the name of the server does not end with "miami.edu" but you can ignore that.

We are working on correcting the problem so that all three servers will work.

Bill Vilberg

Sunday, October 19, 2008

[BB] Blackboard Problems

Blackboard Users,

I am very sorry, but we are experiencing some Blackboard problems this weekend. The My Current Courses module is not working correctly, and this was causing some problems when people logged in and saw an error. "My Current Courses" has been disabled until we fix it. In the meantime, please access your courses via the "Courses" tab at the top of the Blackboard interface.

In addition, we did a mandatory upgrade of the Wimba voice tools this weekend, and are still experiencing some problems with the voice boards. I am working to get them resolved, and I was promised they would be fixed before Monday, but Monday is getting closer, and I have not gotten anyone to resolve the issue yet.

If you have problems logging in to Blackboard, please try closing the browser and logging in again.

I am very sorry about the problems or frustration these issues are causing. I am doing my best to resolve them as quickly as possible. I will send out a message when I have more information.

Thank you,

Blackboard Help Desk: http://umblackboardhelp.helpdeskconnect.com

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bb List Information

Sat, 18 Oct 2008 06:00:20

You are subscribed to the Bb list at the University of Miami. I created
this list to distribute information about the Blackboard course web site
system at UM.

Here are a few reminders.

1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to
http://listserv.miami.edu/archives/bb.html, click on the "Join or leave
the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE BB" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to
listserv@listserv.miami.edu. (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)

2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. B.
Go to http://www.snurl.com/bbforms and fill out the "Mailing List" form.
B. Go to http://listserv.miami.edu/archives/bb.html, click on the "Join
or leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE BB" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to

3. Searchable archives of the list are available at
http://listserv.miami.edu/archives/bb.html. The archives go back to July
2001 when the Bb list was created.

Bill Vilberg bill.vilberg@miami.edu Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052