Monday, June 16, 2008

[BB] Blackboard DOWNTIME & Training

Bb Users,


This is just a quick note to share the details of the upcoming upgrade and preliminary training.


Upgrade Details

§         Blackboard will be UNAVAILABLE on Monday, June 23 at 7:00pm through Tuesday, June 24.
It will be undergoing an upgrade to version 8.0. This upgrade should only take 1 day.

Grade Center Training Info

§         There will be a preliminary training session to cover the basics of the new Grade Center:
When/Where: Friday, June 20th at 11:30am in LC 160.
This session will be recorded if you are not able to attend. It will also be repeated later in the summer.

§         Video Intro to the Grade Center:

§         There is also a 2-page info sheet attached to this message that gives an intro to the new features of the Grade Center.

§         More documentation will follow as it becomes available.


As always, thank you for your patience, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please contact the Blackboard Help Desk with any questions.

Blackboard Manager & Analyst
University of Miami IAC


From: UM Blackboard Announcements [mailto:BB@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Clister, Jennifer R
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 9:52 AM
Subject: [BB] Blackboard Upgrade / Advisory Committee


Blackboard Users,


It’s upgrade season again, and I just wanted to let you know what is going on with Blackboard this summer. We are planning on doing another (small) upgrade to Blackboard Release 8.0.


Upgrade Details

§         We are going to try and do this upgrade between the summer sessions in June. I am waiting for confirmation on how long Blackboard will need to be down.

§         More information will follow very soon as more precise dates and duration of the upgrade are worked out.


Practice Upgrade

§         In addition, to make sure we are prepared for this upgrade, we are doing a dress rehearsal upgrade on a staging server. (We did this last year also.)

§         We are copying our entire Blackboard system to another server and performing the upgrade on that server to make sure we iron out any wrinkles in the process before we do the real upgrade.

§         When I get confirmation that the copy process is officially complete, I will be asking you if you could look at your courses on the staging server to confirm that they really look like your real courses (or like your real courses looked a week ago).


New Changes in Bb 8.0

§         The only drastic changes in this release are some major improvements to the Gradebook (which will be called the “Grade Center”). Here is a short video that Blackboard made to showcase the new features of the Grade Center.
Video Intro to the Grade Center:


Advisory Committee

§         I am looking for volunteers for an “advisory committee.” This would be a small group of individuals who would be willing to email me their opinions or input on questions from time to time.

§         If you would be willing to share your thoughts, please email me and let me know:



Thank you as always for your patience and cooperation.



Blackboard Manager & Analyst
University of Miami IAC