Thursday, September 06, 2007

[BB] Lunch & Learn: Voice Tools

Blackboard Users,


The Instructional Advancement Center has a new Lunch & Learn session coming up on
Wednesday, September 12 from 12:20 to 1:30pm in the Whitten University Center Flamingo Ballroom C/D.


Voice Tools: What They Can Do For You and Your Class


The interaction and student engagement level of your class can be increased by when faculty and students can easily embed vocal interactions into their Blackboard course Web site.


UM has recently purchased a suite of voice tools that are now available through Blackboard. These tools provide the following features:

o   Live Conversation and/or Voice Coaching

o   Threaded Voice Boards

o   Embedded Voice within Course Pages

o   Voice-Enabled E-Mail

o   Oral Assessments


To register for this session go to


For more information on Wimba’s voice tools go to:  





Blackboard Manager & Analyst

University of Miami IAC
