Friday, July 06, 2007

[BB] Blackboard Update: UPGRADED

Blackboard Users,

We did it! Blackboard has been officially upgraded to system 7.2. It is back up and running.

Thank you all again for your support, assistance, and patience.

If you haven't had a chance to look around and/or try out some of the new features, I look forward to your feedback when you do.

If you have a course on the temporary server....

Courses We Moved Before the Upgrade:
We can move it back to regular at the end of the summer when your semester is finished. If you haven't posted a lot of content on the temporary server, and you want to start using regular Blackboard again, you are welcome to repost your content there and inform your students that they should switch back. If you decide to do this, you should post an announcement on the temporary server to make this clear to students. We can help you do that.

Courses We Created During the Upgrade:
You can stay on the temporary server if you like, but it might be easier for you to abandon it and start using regular Blackboard again since your students are probably using temporary accounts.

NOTE: "Moving" means we replace the content of one site with the content on the other site. We will not move any courses at the end of the summer until we double-check with you.

Thank you again,

BlackBoard Manager
University of Miami IAC