Wednesday, May 28, 2014

[BB] Supporting Faculty in Developing Online Course Proficiencies

The Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) is running a "Supporting Faculty in Developing Online Course Proficiencies" short course June 5-17 and UM will be participating. Please join us, UMIT Academic Technologies, for the three webinar sessions: Thursday, June 5; Wednesday, June 11; and Tuesday, June 17; 1:00 - 2:30 pm; in Richter Library, Third Floor Conference Room. With all of the recent activity around on-line courses at UM, this looks like an excellent event for us.

To register for this (free) event at UM, go to our registration form

For complete details about the short course, go to the ELI site

- Bill -

William (Bill) Vilberg
Assistant Director
Information Technology
University of Miami
305-284-3944 (desk)
786-250-2255 (cell)

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

[BB] UM Bb Virtual Office Hour

Dear Blackboard users,


Please join us on Wednesday, 5/7/2014, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., for our "UM Bb Office Hours" webinar. You can participate from your office, your home, or anywhere you can get an internet connection. Sessions will take place using Collaborate, the web conferencing system built into Blackboard. 

Go to, enter your name, and the Collaborate java application should start. It should all be automatic, but it may take a few minutes the first time you do it. You can even try it out right now, to make sure you can get in.

This week there will be presentations about end of semester activities (archive course, export grade center, export grade history) and flipped classroom, Dr. Wang from the Biology department will be talking about his experience in the topic. There will also be plenty of time for open discussion and questions. 

We plan on doing this every Wednesday at 3:30 pm. We hope you can join us


Blackboard Collaborate first time users click here to check systems requirements.


Thank you,


Rick Ramos

Help Desk Supervisor

(P): 305-284-3949