Thursday, January 28, 2010

[BB] Fall 2009 Courses

Bb Users,


The Fall 2009 courses (ending with -101) no longer appear under My Current Courses. They are now only available behind the Courses tab in Blackboard.


*After yesterday’s note regarding delayed enrollment data, last night’s data was on time, so any student add/drops from yesterday should be updated in Blackboard.





Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

[BB] Blackboard enrollment data from yesterday delayed

Bb Users,


Our Blackboard nightly data feed from last night (because it got backed up behind a payroll job that was delayed). It will run this morning.


If you or your students need access to something before 11am, please let me know, and I’ll take care of it.


I apologize for the bad timing of this delay.





Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Monday, January 25, 2010

[BB] Tip of the Week

Hello BB User,


Today we will learn how to upload the syllabus into your Blackboard course, this tip could also be applied to any document you want to upload in any content areas of your course.


Here is how you do it:


How to upload the Syllabus


1.       Go to the control panel


2.       Click on “Syllabus” in “Content Areas”.


3.       Click on “+ Item”


4.       Enter the name of Document


5.       You can type or Copy and Paste your Syllabus in the Text area


6.       If you want to upload it, click “Browse” to locate the document on your computer


7.       Setup the options of your documents


8.       Click on submit



I hope you have found this information helpful, and please feel free to send me your feedbacks.


**Don’t forget to check our Events here  to register to our Blackboard trainings or go to**




Rick Ramos

Blackboard Help Desk Supervisor






Thursday, January 14, 2010

[BB] Blackboard Enrollments Processed Overnight

Bb Users,


This is just a reminder that course merges and student enrollments are not processed in real time. They are processed at night (every night except Saturday and holidays).


This weekend is a holiday weekend, so Blackboard’s nightly data feed will run on Friday night (1/15), and will not run again until Monday night (1/18) because of the MLK Day. That means that students who register for courses online on Saturday or Sunday will not have Blackboard access to those courses until late Monday night.


Likewise, as students change their schedules throughout the next two weeks, the enrollment data will not be passed to Blackboard until that night. While you can manually add students to your Blackboard course, keep in mind that if the student drops the course, they will NOT BE REMOVED from Blackboard by any automated process, so it is better to wait for the nightly data run if you can.*  


* If you don’t want to wait until night but want to ensure that students will be removed from your course if they decide to drop it, you can contact the Help Desk during normal business hours with the student CNumber and CourseID, and we can add the student for you.  


Please share this information with your students, and have a great semester.





Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Monday, January 11, 2010

[BB] Tips of the Week

Hello BB Users,


Happy new year to all! It is time to start our weekly tips.


We are also about to start a new semester and it is time to think about how we are going to organize our courses in Blackboard.


Some of you may be familiar with the processes below but for those who aren’t I hope this will help you with your courses.


You can request the following services by clicking on the “Support” tab at the top of any Blackboard page (once you have logged in).

Then click the “Common service request forms” link or click on the help icon at the top of your Blackboard page, and create a help desk ticket.


1.      Course Merge


If you teach multiple sections it may be easier to combine them into one. With the “course merge” option you can post your course material once rather than posting it for every section separately. Access to the original courses will be lost so make sure to let us know if there is any material you would  like to copy over to the newly created merged course.


2.      Course Augment


There is also the option to do a “course augment” which will maintain all of your original course sites and add one additional master site with all of the students from your various sections. With the “course augment” option you can use the master site to post course material in one location, and reserve the individual course sites for assignments or tests specific to each course section.


3.      Student Account


Instructors do not have the same view of a course as students. We can create a “student account” for you. You can add your student identity as a student in any of the courses you teach (now and in the future) to test what your students see when they view your course site.


4.      Teacher assistant enrollment


Don’t forget to request to add your teaching assistant to your course – or you can do it yourself as follow:


How to enroll Student/TA/Instructor to your course


1.       Go to the control panel



2.       Click on “Add Users by Role”




3.       Select the role




4.       Enter the username if you know it



5.       Or browse to locate it



6.       You will be given several options to locate the person to enroll.



7.       Once you have located the person to enroll, check his/her name and click on submit

8.       Click on submit again to enroll



As always, if you have any issues or questions, you may call the Blackboard Help Desk at 305-284-3949 or send an email to


Thank you,


Rick Ramos

Blackboard Help Desk Supervisor






Friday, January 08, 2010

[BB] Creating Tests/Surveys in Blackboard

Bb Users,



I have posted three new videos on the Blackboard “Support” tab regarding Blackboard assessments.


Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Surveys)

·        Create a quiz / View results

·        Enable the Respondus Lockdown Browser

·        View how a quiz looks to a student


There is also going to be a live training session 1/29 at noon in the Faculty Exploratory on creating quizzes and surveys. Please register here if you are interested: (or click the IAC tree on any Blackboard page, and click the Events link).




Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC


Thursday, January 07, 2010

[BB] Updated Blog, Wiki, Search Tools

Bb Users,


Happy New Year! I have updated the Blog and Wiki tools. The improvements are small and mostly performance-based, but they include a better spell checker.


Also, if you haven’t used it, the Search tool (which may have been malfunctioning for a while) is now operational. The Search tool is on the right navigation column in any blog or wiki you create on your Bb course site, but it also works to search your whole course. If you are not familiar with the Search tool, or how to make it available to students, please see the instructions below.


If you have any problems with the newly updated wiki/blog/search tools, please let me know:




Using the Search Tool:


  1. Make sure Tools are enabled in your left navigation area:
    Control Panel > Manage Course Menu

  2. Click the Modify button next to Tools

  3. Check the box next to “Available,” and click Submit

  4. The tools button will appear in your left navigation area, and Search should be available

  5. Enter a Search term. The results will reflect occurrences of that term in your Bb course site.



Welcome back, and best wishes for a great new decade!





Blackboard System Manager
University of Miami IAC