Thursday, July 28, 2005

[BB] My Bb projects

We are working on a number of projects related to our Blackboard system.  Here is a quick status update.
1. HARD DISK BACKUP:  We contracted to have our entire system backed up to a hard disk.  Then the HD is to be shipped to us.  That will be a permanent archive as of that date.  If we mistakenly remove any courses, it will allow us to recover them.  We sent the PO for this and are waiting for Bb to backup the system and send us the HD.  Until this is completed some of the projects below cannot be completed.
2. OLD COURSE SITE REMOVAL:  We are going to remove course sites that are more than two years old.  We have an exception list for special cases.  We have currently set the courses to "unavailable" so that students can no longer access them.  We will not remove them until after we receive the HD backup listed above.  We will announce this prior to taking any further action.
3. FILE SIZE REDUCTION:  We want to take steps to reduce our file storage needs.  Removing the course sites that are more than two years old will help.  We will be working with people with large sites after the old courses are removed.
4. ENABLE SECURITY:  We want to turn on security so that everything sent between a computer and Blackboard is encrypted. This is referred to as SSL or https.  You shouldn't see any changes because of this, but the information you communicate with Blackboard will be better protected.  As soon as we get a date for this we will announce it.  That way you can let us know if there are any unexpected consequences.
5. APP PACK 2 SYSTEM UPGRADE:  We want to upgrade the system to App Pack 3.  We are currently on App Pack 1, so we will need to upgrade to App Pack 2 first.  There are no real changes that you will see when this is accomplished.  We do not have a date for the App Pack 2 upgrade.  We will announce it as soon as we get it.  The downtime for this should be 15 minutes or so in the early morning, like 3:00 AM.
6. APP PACK 3 SYSTEM UPGRADE:  This is the upgrade that has some great new features.  The "What's New" feature will be back, listing the new items that have been added to a site since your last visit.  You will be able to see a page with all of your students and when they last logged in.  You will be able to create material that is released based on powerful logic.  Some new plug-ins will be available to help you grade discussion board communications and import course material from Merlot.  This upgrade is scheduled for Tuesday, August 9.  The system is scheduled to be down all day.
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)